woman with notepad monitoring server racks

Unmatched IT Support

When something goes wrong with your hardware or software, don't be troubled. Our support team can help you identify the source of the problem so that it can be resolved as soon as possible.

Telecommunications systems and networks are composed of multiple devices, components, and connections. This complexity of technology means that challenges can arise, often with numerous possible causes. To identify the source of a malfunction in the system, IT Support goes through a rigorous process of elimination.


Regardless of the problem you’re experiencing, we have a few tips you can follow to kickstart the troubleshooting process. 
  • Check the power source and connections. Many users report malfunctions only to realize that the problem is caused by the device not being connected to the power source or by connections and cables coming loose. Before calling for support, make sure to check all related connections and power sources.
  • Note all error messages encountered. Writing down the error messages you are encountering can help our support team diagnose the issue.
  • Try to locate the problem. There are things you can do to isolate the problem yourself. If you can't connect to the Internet, check if the other users within your network are having the same problem. If they are not, your Ethernet cable could be faulty. Try switching it with a new cable. When trying to determine the cause of the malfunction, remember to do just a single step at a time.
  • Note all troubleshooting steps you've taken. System or network problems can be caused by a lot of different things. It’s important that you remember all of the steps you have already taken so that you don't have to repeat what you've previously done. This way, you can also help our support team pinpoint the problem faster.
woman talking on phone in the office

At CCi Voice, we are available to help you troubleshoot any number of technical issues you may be experiencing with your system. Simply drop us a line anytime!